Arthur Coppie for State House

1234 Address Road

Macon, GA 99999




Businessman. Farmer. Veteran.

Not a Politician.


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Meet Lee

Lee Gilreath was born and raised in Anderson County. He graduated from Belton Honea Path High School in 1987 before joining the Army National Guard, where he served for 7 years. After graduating from Clemson University, he and his brother started Earth Materials Grading, which has continued to thrive in Anderson County for over 28 years.

When traveling through District 7, you’ll meet amazing people who work every day to provide for their families and you’ll see small businesses and farms that serve as the backbone of our economy. And yet, our values aren’t being represented in Columbia.

That’s why Lee Gilreath is running for State House.

A businessman, a veteran, and a proud father – Lee is a far cry from a politician. He plans to use his experience to cut down on government spending, reduce regulations, and get government out of the way so you can succeed.

Our current representative passed legislation creating a Health Czar that would oversee multiple agencies, create new bureaucracy, and have authority over local sheriffs! Our district deserves a true conservative representing us in Columbia, who will return power to local government.”

- Lee Gilreath

Lee's Priorities

100% Pro-life

Protect Our 2nd Amendment Rights

Stop Handouts for Woke Corporations – Government Shouldn’t Be Giving Your Hard-earned Money to Liberal Billionaires

Cut Wasteful Spending by Only Funding Core Government Functions

Propose and Support Term Limits for Elected Officials

Fight Government Overreach and Restore Power and Full Authority to Local Sheriffs 

Reduce Regulation on Small Businesses

Ensure South Carolina Enforces Strict Immigration Laws

Empower Law Enforcement to Protect Our Citizens 

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